sobota, 13 czerwca 2009

What's up?! ;DD
I couldn't write anything last days...
I was soooooo tired!
I was running...
I have run about 2 kilometres! xD
That's crazy ;DD

And my sister is ill...;(
She's in hospital now :(
I'm so nervous now.
My mum has just gone to her.
And she's going to call me...:(

I'm watching a video on YouTube now.
It's Justin Bieber's first official video "One time"!
I love it!
Check this out!

środa, 10 czerwca 2009

Today I watched old fairytaile "The last unicorn".
It's really beautiful story!
Love and magic...I love it!
And I found my photo album ;DD
The photos were took when I was...7!
So funny! xD

Now I'm watching a film with my sister.
It's one of the "Barbie..." series ;DD
I think that this old fairytales are much better than fairytales today, haha!

And several days ago I found a great band!
Its Hey Monday.
They're awesome!
I love their music!
They rock!
"How you love me now" is just amazing!

wtorek, 9 czerwca 2009

Yay! I'm not going to school today.
It seems to be cool, but I'm a little bit ill...:(
But okay. I'm going to singing and dancing all day ;DD

And I really miss all my friends!
Jessica! Last time I saw you year ago...:(
So long ago! I miss you so much honey! <33 I promise, I'll come to Sweden...for you ;** Maiia, I talked to you yesterday, but I miss you. And you know...We need to try to talk by skype ;DD

And check out my friend's video!
He sings one song solo!
It's from our school show ;DD

You also can listen to music of my favourite artists here.
Here you are a music player ;DD
Hope you like it! ;)

poniedziałek, 8 czerwca 2009

I just came back home...That was a horrible day at school!
One of my classmates is really annoying! He thinks he's the best :/
But expect this, it's ok ;)

And now to my dear friend, Maiia :)
I really appreciate that you are always next to me,
even you live so far away.
You can always help me :)
When I'm sad you always make me feel better.
I hope I'll meet you some day.
Thank you for everything!
I LOVE YOU!!! <33>

I really can't wait for 19th June.
It's the last day at school in Poland. Yay!

And holidays!
2 months when I can do everything what I want.

And check out the German band called Panik (or Nevada Tan).
They're really cool!
I love their music!
My mum promised that she'll buy their concert on DVD for me!
I'm so excited for that! ;DD